Problem to solve
Is there anything more annoying than submitting a perfectly crafted PR just to realize that you missed capitalizing some SQL keywords? This happened a couple of times to me, so I quickly build some custom functions in neovim to catch this before I submit a PR. There are some plugins that will automatically capitalize the keywords as you are typing, but somethimes they will capitalize SOME words that you don’t want to be capitalized. I also sometimes copy and paste queries between neovim and data grip, so I wanted a solution to check and then easily capitalize the words.
Highlight lowercase sql keywords
local M = {}
function M.highlight_words(words)
if vim.g.my_highlight_id then
vim.cmd 'highlight default MyHighlight ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Green guifg=Black guibg=Green'
local pattern = '\\<\\(' .. table.concat(words, '\\|') .. '\\)\\>'
vim.g.my_highlight_id = vim.fn.matchadd('MyHighlight', pattern)
function M.reset_highlight()
if vim.g.my_highlight_id then
vim.g.my_highlight_id = nil
vim.cmd 'highlight clear MyHighlight'
-- List of SQL keywords
local sql_keywords = {
'command! HighlightLowercaseSqlKeywords lua require("user_functions.highlightLowercaseSqlKeywords").highlight_words(' .. vim.inspect(sql_keywords) .. ')'
vim.cmd 'command! ResetHighlight lua require("user_functions.highlightLowercaseSqlKeywords").reset_highlight()'
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>hi', function()
end, { remap = true, silent = false })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>hc', function()
end, { remap = true, silent = false })
return M
Quickly capitalize words
local M = {}
function M.delete_and_paste_uppercase()
vim.cmd 'normal! diw'
local word = vim.fn.getreg '"'
local upper_word = string.upper(word)
vim.fn.setreg('a', upper_word)
local cursor_pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { cursor_pos[1], cursor_pos[2] - 1 })
vim.cmd 'normal! "ap'
vim.cmd 'command! DeleteAndPasteUppercase lua require("user_functions.capitalizeWord").delete_and_paste_uppercase()'
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>u', M.delete_and_paste_uppercase, { remap = true, silent = false })
return M